
Play for the Cause, United by Hearts, Supported by Change

We are a Saas and Content Management system for Local Lottos.



You don't run a numbered lotto? Try these other links for different lotto styles...

50/50 style lottos

Raffle style lottos

Numbered style lottos


Lottoraiser is so simple for your players ... but, just in case, we even have How to Play videos for your players. Take a look on our YouTube Channel.

Lottoraiser YouTube Channel


What Lottoraiser can do for you!

You are a volunteer... very busy and giving your free time to something you enjoy doing. After a long day at the office, extra chores, and repetitive tasks will quickly dull your passion.

Lottoraiser does the administration work for you, manages all your players, and controls the online promotion of your Lotto.

We make your life easier.


•   Fast Customer Response Time. Between 9 am and 11 pm (GMT). If you have a question or technical issue, we will always respond and resolve it fast. You are important to us and we are always glad to help.

•   Our Commission is based per draw and decreases the more you earn! The first €200 is charged at 15%, Between €200-€500 is charged at 12%, and after €500 its 8%.

•   No Stealth Taxes or charges! All others will charge you for the extras, we have NO Transaction Fees, NO Monthly/Yearly Recurring Fees, No Service Fees, No Help Desk Support Charges, No Hidden Fees, No VAT charges or any other extra charges!

•   Lottoraiser is Highly customisable and makes everything simple.

•   Relaxed commitment for players. No login is required. No sign up required by players, just enter in ticket details, pay and go system.

•   No Big Bulk purchase commitments. Players are not required to purchase big numbers of tickets. Players also can cancel subscription tickets at any time.

•   Add Physical Player tickets to Lottoraiser Database, No charge. (Quickly pick winners, Compare all tickets against your results, and notify everyone afterwards.)

•   Customise tickets, your ticket becomes a live interactive form. Like playing in the local post office.

•   QR Codes. Your Players can scan the QR code and link directly to your ticket. Your Sellers can quickly share online tickets with your personalised QR.

•   Promotes to social media for you. Player reminders are posted on Facebook and Twitter, automatically letting your players know of upcoming draws.

•   Emails online players about upcoming draws and results. Interested players get an email reminder, and if they enter, will get the results when the draw is closed.

•   SMS Texting Service. Reminding your players before the draw starts and boosting sales.

•   Creates Posters. Customised or preselected posters to bring an added wow to your lotto results.

•   Membership Forms. Charge at the same commission. Compatible with databases, for easy transfer of all your members.

•   Payments handled by Stripe. Stripe is trusted worldwide, encrypted and very secure.

•   Payments handled by StrikePay. Support Irish companies and pay through StrikePay.

•   Funds transferred into your bank. Funds are transferred directly into your bank account.

•   Save player tickets. Players have the last few tickets held on record, so they can quickly reuse and purchase tickets.

•   Flexible payments for players. Full payment upfront or a subscription. Players can choose their purchase commitment level for one draw or multiple draws.

•   Mobile and SEO friendly. Most people play on mobile devices so we accommodate all major devices and browsers.

•   Email Newspapers + Others. Emails draw results to newspapers or others, for example, if you want to publish your results in a newspaper advert.

•   Lottoraiser keeps detailed records. All draw summaries and invoice receipts are saved and backed up.

•   Ticket cheating prevented. Player Tickets are encoded with ticket information and stop tampering.


We are unrivalled in price vs value. Contact us and Compare us!






If you are contacting us about setting up, please tell us about your Lotto.

Such as: draw type, day, frequency, number of lucky dip winners and Lucky dip prize amount... and anything else you think we need to know?

If you run a Numbered draw don't forget about Number of balls, number range, current and starting Jackpot amounts, the increase and maximum Jackpot value!